Lauren Bergey

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My name is Lauren Bergey, I am a student at LLA. I am an artsy fartsy kind of girl, I don’t do any any sports what so ever. I love love love to read books, especially biography’s.I live in Riverside with a very big family, you can say that we are the re-born Brady Bunch! My dream has always been to travel to Africa on a mission trip and not too long ago i got to experience that dream! It was beautiful seeing all of god’s children, living in such poverty, but full of smiling faces. It taught me a lot about being humble and not taking things in my life for granted. I would really like to travel around the world, and experience different places and different cultures. I have recently applied to Pacific Union College but I am still unsure as to what I want to do in my future career, for now I am majoring in art and I guess I will see where the wind takes me from there.

My project is on Benjamin Fenison. Benjamin Fenison is a good student at Loma Linda Academy. He works hard and he laughs hard. Ben has a lot of friends at school, he is a sweet guy and gets along well with others. In order for Ben to achieve his goals he has to work very hard at school.

Ben has a sister, Aurriel who attends Loma Linda, she has a GPA of 4.0. Due to such excellence from his sister Benjamin is encouraged by his parents to try and achieve a similar GPA. Ben’s parents are strict when it comes to his education, so he feels pressure to in a way compete with his sister.

The main reason why I chose my friend Ben for my photo essay is because he tutors my sister Brittany on top of all the studying he has to do. Ben has a busy schedule, he comes home and right away he scams his homework and gets everything out that he needs to study, and after that he spends 2-3 hours studying for each of his classes. He has a little time to practice his basketball but other than that Benjamin is always busy. He uses his extra time to help my sister study for her exams because he wants her to succeed with him, and not many students at Loma Linda can handle such a juggle between studying while helping others.

6 Word Bio: With God Nothing Can Go Wrong.

Photo Essay


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