Kayla Chaffee

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Fun facts about me:

Hello, my name is Kayla Chaffee and I have experienced 16 years of life, so far. I’m not exactly sure what I should share in this paragraph about myself, but here it goes. I suppose I should start with why I chose photography. I requested this class (photography) last year to fulfill my credits that are required to graduate, but also because I’ve always been interested in photography. I wanted to learn how to use a camera and how to capture photographs in the best possible way. Besides photography, however, I am also interested in videography. I haven’t learned anything concerning videography, yet, but I plan to. I have actually been thinking of creating a documentary. The topic rough around the edges, but I plan to develop it during the summer. I am also a Junior here at Loma Linda Academy, I’ve attended this school since first grade! Many of my friends have been here since kindergarten! My favorite past time would have to be watching films and reading novels. (I do prefer watching films, though. I recommend “Atonement”. Warning: It is R rated.) I have a younger sister, she is a sophomore here at Loma Linda Academy. All I have to say is that life should be lived, not survived. This is easier said than done, but I am doing my best to accomplish my wishful motto. So, that’s my little fun fact about myself.


Six word bio:

A romantic realist, a living contradiction.


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